Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Hi everyone, today was another exciting day in Spain. We started off with more conference and more time with the missionaries. For lunch I tasted some more of the local cuisine at McDonalds and was shocked to find that you could get a beer with your value meal?! I snaked the narrow passage ways through the city to find the most unique gifts possible for my family then met up with the US pastors. This clan of cukoo clergymen visited Museu Picasso just a few blocks from our motel. Although the gallery does feature a good portion of Picasso's art it primarily houses his personal collection of art. Later we ate at a local seafood restaurant. I am really starting to miss the family and am getting anxious to see them.
Jason Pelt has been asking me to provide some dirt on PBJ from the trip. Unfortunately he has led a rather quiet week and hasn't provided much to humor yet. He does, however, claim to be unable to sleep due to my snoring. I'm not convinced this is really his problem because I have had no trouble sleeping. The world may never know.


The Clifton Family said...

I believe PBJ about Clint's snoring!

Cindynlow said...

Poor Jennifer...I thought we could always ask you for a second opinion.