Friday, April 24, 2009

Hiking at Kelly's Ford

Today, Clint had the grand idea to take the kids hiking at Kelly's Ford which is out here close to our house. We packed up some hot dogs and snacks to go along with and were off for an adventure. Noah, smart kid that he is, packed a backpack of survival gear that we could possibly need while out hiking. It was full of things like binoculars, bandannas, a wooden sword, a light saber, and an animal book in case he needed to identify an animals we might see. We hiked out to the Rappahannock River where there was a clearing Clint knew about from a previous camping trip. The kids loved it! They climbed on the rocks, gathered fired wood, helped make a fire, stripped their shoes off to dip their toes in the water and just had a great time.

*Lesson learned for next time... wear bathing suits so the kids don't end up running around in their underwear. Oh well!

Also while out in nature, we took the advantage to apply some of what Noah has been learning in History/Geography. We have been talking about the different kinds of pollution and ways we can help to prevent it. The kids had noticed quite a bit of trash lying around so we decided it would be helpful for the environment to pick it up before we left including the dirty diaper. I was very proud of Noah as he shared what he had learned in class with his sister and brother. He has been listening and paying attention!!!

1 comment:

Jonathan Burke said...

Your boy is late in the game... Your Ego is Prego??? Congrats to the cliftons!!!