Tuesday, August 31, 2010

When Mom's away...

You have heard the saying, "when the cats away the mice will play" I think you can say the same for when Mom's away. While I was away this past weekend, the kids were in complete Dad zone. What does that mean you ask? It means there is a long list of things you purposely do not ask; for instances, did they brush their teeth? is the house clean? what did they eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? did they eat breakfast, lunch and dinner? I have found it best not to ask questions like these until I am home and can see all four children with my very eyes. It doesn't take long for them to start spilling everything that went on while I was away.
This weekend they had a marvelous adventure hiking in the woods with Dad! They even got to take a dip in the river. Dad earned brownie points here with them and me. He had thought far enough ahead that the children had their bathing suits ready to swim!

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