Saturday, November 27, 2010

What are your families Thanksgiving traditions?

Our families Thanksgiving traditions are probably much like everyone else. There is turkey, stuffing, something made of pumpkin, football and family. Now our Thanksgiving family is not blood related family members but our very special close friends who are as close to family as any blood relative could possible be. Ever since we moved to Stafford, 8 years ago, we have had the privilege of spending Thanksgiving with one particular family, the Pelts. This too has also become one of our family traditions. It hasn't mattered where either one of our families have live (U.S. or Iceland) or how many children we have (a number which is forever growing). This has definitely become one of our favorite Thanksgiving traditions!

A fun new element that has been thrown into the festivities is a Jason Pelt Production. Since the kids are older now Jason has been perfecting the Thanksgiving play. This year the kids acted out the first Thanksgiving. They did an excellent job and had a blast.

Narrator, Cami
Producer, Jason

The Pilgrims

The Indians

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha!!! That's awesome!! Reminds me of when I was a kid and made up plays all the time.