Monday, December 13, 2010

We have been mummified

What was the one thing that fascinated the kids the most today during our lesson on Egypt? Maybe it was the pyramids - how did the Egyptians move those huge stones and lift them on top of each other like that? Maybe it was that Upper Egypt was in the south and Lower Egypt was in the north? Could it be the longest river in the world, the Nile?

Well, heavens NO! It was the nasty mummification process where we got to talk about people taking out the king's liver, stomach, lungs and intestines keeping them in special urns for the afterlife!

This lesson, of course, ended with the schoolroom floor covered in toilet paper and paper towel because mummies don't just carefully take off their wrappings... they shred them to pieces!

1 comment:

beckers said...

you r the coolest mom/teacher ever!!!
I hope that whereever God places me to teach i can incorporate fun things like this!