I'm not sure what has harvested this new found passion within me to get things even more organized but I like it! Maybe I'm nesting like at the end of a pregnancy accept I'm not pregnant but I am expecting to beautiful Haitian angels to come home at some point this year (that's very hopefully by the way). It could be this amazing new website called Pinterest that I am completely addicted to. Anyways, who knows where the burst of organization came from but my family is definitely benefiting from it.
The organization started with the pantry in the kitchen. I considered it organized in that each shelf was designated for something particular but when I saw the "before" picture I took I was completely mortified that people had looked in there! Baskets changed our pantry's life. After the pantry, I just scooted on over to the kitchen cabinets. They had been bothering me for awhile especially when the kids had to climb on the counters to put dishes away. There just had to be a better solution. While I was attending a women's event on menu and grocery planning one of the mothers mentioned she arranged her cabinets with how well her kids could put the dishes away - GENIUS! Why had I not thought of that before? It was a total DUH moment. My wonderful hubby helped change my cabinets and every time I am working in the kitchen, no longer digging around for something, I fall in love with him even more.
Here are the before and after pics of the recent projects. Enjoy!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Maybe it's Nesting, Maybe it's Pinterest...
Monday, January 16, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Going back a bit
I know I'm going back a bit but I just can't help myself.
We have two little turkeys now or will soon when our little Haitian angels get home. Noah and Beth both have birthdays in November (22nd and 24th). This year Noah turned the big double digits, 10! I cant believe it has been 10 years since this little turkey gave us one of the biggest things to be thankful for (he was born thanksgiving day). This year, we gave him the best birthday surprise by giving him his very own laptop. Clint set up a great scavenger hunt to find it and Noah's face was priceless when he opened it! We probably heard the words "thank you" over 500 times the whole rest of the day. He was so cute about it! I know it is a bit insane to buy a 10 yr old a laptop but he uses it everyday for school so that is how we justified it in our minds ;)
Beth celebrated her birthday this year on Thanksgiving Day. She turned 5! Here is a recent picture of her that some friends who went down to visit their boys took for us. We cant wait for her to be home!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Haiti is ALWAYS on Our Minds
We have recently finished up all of our paperwork for our adoption! The next step is to get all of it translated into French, that process is almost done also. There are a few more steps between translation and turning everything into the Haitian government, particular papers have to be authenticated then everything has to be approved by the State Department and the Haitian Consulate. Once all that is done it becomes a waiting game. We are constantly thinking about our little Haitian angels and dreaming of the day we get to bring them home with us FOREVER!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Our Two Fall Blessings
In the Clifton house, we have two September birthdays within 10 days of each other, Isaiah and Moses. It makes for a very busy month! However, next September we are hoping we get to make it even more crazy and add a third September birthday all still within the same 10 days. Our little Haitian angel, John, also has a birthday during this time. We are hoping and praying that he and Betchina will be home by next fall but until that time comes we will keep on celebrating the two fall blessing we already have to love on, Isaiah and Moses.