Friday, January 9, 2009

Papa's Birthday

My Dad's birthday is December 27th which he shares with his mother. Grandma has always said that her husband was so cheap he gave her a birthday gift that she could not return. My Dad also shares this little story which is kind of funny. This year Grandma turned 80 years old so a big party was thrown for her. Since we knew that was going to be happening we decide to celebrate Dad's birthday early and while they were in Virginia so Jared got to be with us for the birthday dinner. Dad decided he want a "low country boil" for his special dinner which is corn on the cob, shrimp and red potatoes cooked in a deep fryer with some creole seasoning. Clint and I were excited about that because it meant we scored a deep fryer plus the food was amazing! The kids were just excited to give Papa his birthday gifts. After he opened his gifts they put on a song and dance show all for Papa! It was quite entertaining!

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